Howard County Public Safety Education Center, Cooksville, Maryland
Archaeological Assessment for Howard County Department of Public Works, Ellicot City, Maryland
The Howard County, Maryland Department of Public Works contracted for an archaeological assessment of a 66 acre lot in western Howard County prior to the construction of a public safety education center. The rural tract had previously been farmland. The archaeological assessment identified both prehistoric and historic archaeological resources on the property.
The prehistoric potential was assessed by conducting research of previously identified sites in the vicinity and in similar geographical locations utilizing the state site files. A walkover survey of the entire tract was also undertaken.
A complete deed search was undertaken for the property in order to identify potentially significant historical resources. This data as well as general historic research identified it as part of the original land grant of 1722 entitled "Dorsey's Friendship and Higgins Chance".
The likelihood of prehistoric and historic archaeological sites within the project area is considered high, although these sites may have been disturbed by previous modern development. A Phase I shovel test pit survey at fifty foot intervals was recommended.
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